Our society has closed its eyes to the problem of unemployment and educational malpractices, chiefly because they feel powerless about it.
Always, their first line of thought is the possibility of them changing the educational system which no longer works.
Thousands graduate each year unprepared for real life challenges. These challenges come without a gainful employment so youth turn to vices while employing the knowledge they amassed in the university.
The educational system inadequately prepares one for entrepreneurship. The basic desire to be creative have been dampened by the system of a single means of gradation- the exam. If left unattended to, education(higher education) will quickly become an unattractive and vain-filled venture.
More often than not, our attention is drawn to people who had no tangible higher education achieving success financially.
This conundrum must be answered with a swift and decisive reply by intellectuals. For knowledge is far more important than the monetary gains attached to it. But this claim is silenced when one comes face to face with the fact that employment rates keep going down and literacy rate keeps raising. What words of consolation can you offer one who graduated with a CGPA of 5.0, yet cannot find gainful employment because he is not the only one in his field who also came out with that same stellar result.
Yes, to that man, knowledge becomes a vanity fair. He’ll live his life believing that his friend who didn’t care for higher educational degree but is now financially successful, made the better choice.
But problems have solutions. Not only does Xandereum and the Xanderian Institute aims to end this but also to create an ideology that every skill, if it can generate cash, is highly valuable as a university degree.
We are walking the path of a paradigm shift from the traditionally mentality of a university degree, environment, valuation and gradation.
We seek to do this using the waves based token Xandereum as an open ledger for gradation and valuation.
All users will be graded using the Xandereum token as follows:
Range in Xandereum Grade
< 1 Erectus
1 - 100 Human
101 - 1000 Hawkings
1001 - 10, 000 Tesla
10, 001 - 100, 000 Einstein
100, 001 - 1 million Newton
> 1 million Xanderian