The xandereum coin(token) can be sold at the waves decentralized exchange.
How to trade tokens on the DEX
Open up your Waves WEB wallet. Click on the DEX button (📷) .
Then, choose trading pair from the list. After that, the selected market will open.
You can also find any available assets. Just type a name or asset Id in the search box (📷).
Click on the found token.
Note: In order to add the selected token to favourite list, just click on the star button. Also, you can get quick information about the selected token through a simple click on the Asset ID
By default, all selected tokens in the ALL section will be adding to the pair with Waves.
If you want to open an order with other pair, such as "Asset"/BTC please click on the BTC | ETH and type a name or asset ID in the search box.
If you need more options, just click on the ETH and select the base currency from the drop-down menu
How to buy crypto currency
Choose a pair you want to work with and look at the right bottom corner.
Fill the fields in the order form:
- In the Amount box enter the amount of currency you want to buy;
- In the Limit price box enter the price of the currency;
- In the Total box check the total amount of the order.
Note. By default, the Limit price sets with the nearest market orders.
After filling, click on the Buy *****, where ***** currency of the selected pair.
Note. Please take into account the maximum order time is 30 days. You can change the order time in the Expiration field.
After the expiration of the selected period, the order will be forcibly canceled.
The placed order will appears in the My Open Orders box and in the Order Book (upper right corner). All executed orders are available in the My Trade History section.
Note. You can cancel opened order by clicking on the X Cancel in the My Open Orders box.
Attention. The commission for creating one buy or sell order on the DEX platform is 0.003 Waves. This amount will be frozen for the order fee. If the order is not executed and then canceled, the amount will be unfrozen.
How to sell crypto currency
Choose a pair you want to work with and look at the right bottom corner.
Fill the fields in the order form:
- In the Amount box enter the amount of currency you want to buy;
- In the Limit price box enter the price of the currency;
- In the Total box check the total amount of the order.
Note. By default, the Limit price sets with the nearest market orders.
After filling, click on the Sell *****, where ***** currency of the selected pair.
Note. Please take into account the maximum order time is 30 days. You can change the order time in the Expiration field.
After the expiration of the selected period, the order will be forcibly canceled.
The placed order will appears in the My Open Orders box and in the Order Book (upper right corner). All executed orders are available in the My Trade History section.
Note. You can cancel opened order by clicking on the X Cancel in the My Open Orders box.
Attention. The commission for creating one buy or sell order on the DEX platform is 0.003 Waves. This amount will be frozen for the order fee. If the order is not executed and then canceled, the amount will be unfrozen.
A tutorial on how to trade using the waves lite client.